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Priority Shipping Solutions: Expedited Delivery Services for Critical Shipments

Expedited Delivery

E-commerce has changed expedited delivery expectations. Priority shipping was once reserved for only the most urgent needs. Then consumers started shopping and buying from home — and expected those purchases to arrive at their doorsteps in just a day or two. 

USA Today cited U.S. Census data, which showed e-commerce sales made up 15.6% of total retail sales in the country last year. That percentage is forecast to increase to 16.6% in 2024 and up to 20.6% by 2027. 

Consumers will expect many of those products to arrive quickly, as will manufacturers and distributors that traditionally have used expedited shipping services for truly critical demands — e.g., an automotive part to prevent the shutdown of an assembly line. 

Sure, a pair of shoes isn’t as critical as, say, the brakes on a car (unless the wedding is Saturday and you need those heels ASAP!). The point is priority shipping has become a priority for consumers and businesses alike.  

The Role of Expedited Transportation in Logistics

The global semiconductor shortage forced a temporary production halt at eight Ford Motor Co. assembly plants in North America in early 2022. When Ford was able to locate some chips, it had to rely on its logistics providers to expedite their delivery to get the factories back online. 

More recently, the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in late March forced the diversion of cargo bound for the Port of Baltimore to other gateways, including the Port of New York and New Jersey, where it was offloaded and, in some cases, moved by expedited truckload in an attempt to make up for additional transit time. 

Whatever the need, priority shipping requires expedited delivery expertise to meet customer demands, whether that customer is an individual consumer or a global manufacturer

Ensuring Expedited Shipping Success

The Business Times reported on June 25 that the supply chain is again under strain as a result of such factors as the Houthi rebel attacks on container ships in the Red Sea, the severe drought in Panama, and the threat of a dockworker strike at ports on the East and Gulf coasts of the United States. All this “could again threaten retailers with product shortages during the make-or-break holiday shopping season,” it said. 

“If the supply chain disturbances of the pandemic proved anything, it was this: Trouble in any one place tends to ripple out widely,” The Business Times said. “A container full of chemicals that arrives late to its destination spells delayed production for factories waiting for those ingredients. Ships jammed at ports wreak havoc on the flow of goods, clogging warehouses and putting pressure on the trucking and rail industries.” 

To ensure expedited delivery success, retailers, manufacturers, and distributors shouldn’t wait until they need priority shipping. Partnering with a trusted logistics provider ensures all freight is handled efficiently, whether the goods need to be delivered now, next week, or next month. 

Visibility of Critical Shipments

Real-time visibility is absolutely critical when such events as a factory shutdown are on the line. That visibility can be provided through advanced technology, which can help provide solutions to even the most complex expedited transportation problems. 

Robust Communication and Coordination for Seamless, Expedited Delivery

Communication and coordination are key to successful expedited delivery. Combining the latest technology with human-to-human communication ensures that the expedited delivery process is a seamless one. 

A lack of proactive communication can lead to shipment delays — a crucial error with time-critical deliveries. Real-time communication is vital to keeping all stakeholders informed on the status of the expedited freight every step of the way. 

Accurate Paperwork and Compliance Adherence

Priority shipping often requires additional documentation and compliance adherence. Failure to provide proper documentation can slow down what was supposed to be a fast delivery. 

It’s also important to work with a logistics partner that has formed strong carrier partnerships through a detailed vetting process focused on compliance, risk mitigation, safety, flawless execution, equipment, and technology standards. 

The Right Equipment and The Right People to Execute Flawless Priority Shipping

At RJ Logistics, we work with our customers to develop their supply chain strategies to serve their expedited delivery needs. As veterans in the priority shipping business, we have the expertise to handle all expedited freight with care. 

We have the right equipment and the right people to execute flawless priority shipping every time. We work with customers in healthcare, automotive, and manufacturing every day, and we understand the importance of meeting tight delivery deadlines. We have the strategies in place to overcome any shipping challenge, including expedited delivery. 

RJ Logistics Provides Solutions for All Your Shipping Needs

At RJ Logistics, we do whatever it takes to deliver for our customers — no matter the type of freight or how fast it needs to get there. Whether it’s expedited services, truckload, flatbed, or cross-border freight, RJ Logistics has you covered. 

Schedule a call with RJ Logistics.

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